Victorian Art & Design
Quiz on Frith

1    Name one of Frith's costume paintings.

2    Name Frith's first large painting of "modern life". When was it exhibited at the RA?

3    Who bought it?

4    Name Frith's second large painting of "modern life". When was it exhibited at the RA?

5    Who promised to buy it and how much did he pay for it?

6    Why was Frith paid twice this amount when he finished the painting?

7    What shows that the painting was very popular when it was exhibited at the RA?

8    Name Frith's third large painting of "modern life". When was it exhibited at the RA?

9    Explain why one of Frith's paintings is called Retribution?

10    Name two portrait paintings by Frith.

11    Which of Frith's paintings makes fun of Oscar Wilde and the art loving "aesthetes"?

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