Quiz on Victorian Art & Design

The Quiz below contains questions on most of the artists on this site. Click on the following links for an individual Quiz on each movement or each artist:    Pugin and the Gothic Revival,    The Pre-Raphaelites,    William Morris,    Burne-Jones,    Aubrey Beardsley    Frith

  1. Which three artists founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and in what year?
  2. Who painted The Carpenter's Shop and which famous author attacked it?
  3. Who designed a house for William Morris and what was it called?
  4. What were the Names of Morris's first three wallpaper designs  and which firm printed them for him?
  5. Give the names of the two best National Trust houses for seeing Morris textiles?
  6. What was the name of Morris's printing press and who drew the illustrations for The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer which Morris printed there?
  7. Which were the first and last books illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley?
  8. Which room in Leyland's London house did Beardsley especially admire and which artist painted the walls?
  9. Whom did Whistler sue for libel and how much did the Jury award him in damages?
  10. Who designed most of the decorations in the New Palace of Westminster?   In what town is his church of St Augustine's?
  11. Who bought Frith's painting The New Dress and why did he buy it?